On average, the duration of actos is from 2 to 10 days. At the same time, even short-term enterocolitis (within 2-3 days) leads to a sharp exhaustion and weakening of patients. Often, pain in the abdomen, general discomfort and malaise persist after the diarrhea stops. The convalescence period lasts from 2 days to 3 weeks. Typically, the gastrointestinal form of campylobacteriosis ends in complete recovery, but relapses may develop.
Children of the first year of actos are especially hard to tolerate dehydration; their clinical picture of the disease resembles cholera. The severe form of the disease is rare, with it the general intoxication is significantly expressed, the body temperature reaches 40 ° C, accompanied by severe chills, sometimes - delirium and confusion. The hemogram may show moderate leukocytosis.

According to the clinical course, the following forms of pioglitazone are distinguished: gastrointestinal, generalized (septic), chronic, subclinical (bacterial excretion).